Saturday, October 01, 2005

Central Victorian Interclub Photographic Competition

Allan and myself attended this years Quad. competition hosted by Macedon Ranges Photographic Society. There were many excellent prints & slides submitted by the members of the four clubs (Bendigo, Castlemaine, Macedon Ranges & Maryborough).

Print results were;
Bendigo 128 points
Castlemaine 111 points
Macedon Ranges 115 points
Maryborough 106 points

Slide results were;
Bendigo 121 points
Castlemaine 111 points
Macedon Ranges 99 points
Maryborough [no entries]

Bendigo have the trophy for the next twelve months, Castlemaine have held the trophy for the last three years.

Best slide 'Beating a storm' by Judith Pethybridge.
Best print 'The Great Wall #2' by Mark Fairbairn.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Well done Bendigo ! Congratulations on Best Print Mark.
Really sorry I did not make it now, would have been good to see...